Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Goals for the SUMMER

Summer's here!  Well, for us, we have 6 school days left. When I took on the job as a "cafeteria lady", it seemed so simple.  I would work from 8:30-2 and wouldn't have to worry about finding child care.  I'd also have the same holiday schedule as the kiddos.  And it is about that easy.  BUT....that doesn't leave me with time to get stuff done without the kids.   They are in school from 8-3, so I do get that hour before I pick them up to do some quick errands, but as far as cleaning and laundry....that's fallen to the wayside.

When I was a stay at home mom, my house was always clean. Not saying that every house should be that way all the time, but at least the bathrooms were clean and the dishes were done and we weren't living out of clothes baskets.  That makes me HAPPY. When things are in order. When the trivial stuff of life is tackled and I can find two matching socks in the morning.  With Officer Hubby going to school and me doing it ALL, I'm just too exhausted to pick toothpaste off the sink and haul the laundry baskets upstairs.  Not that I would trade him going to school at all because I am soooooo unbelievabley proud of him, but I am ready to be at home for several days straight with no where to go and the energy to get my house back in order!

I have however gotten quite a bit of help from #'s 1, 2 & 3.  I was nervous about the little guys loading the dishwasher, knives and glasses and all, but they've done AWESOME!  Most nights, it's with a bunch of whining, but they really have helped me out alot! We have a rotating kitchen "job" where one unloads the dishwasher, one loads it and the last one wipes the table and sweeps up the crumbs.  Just having someone else (or three) do this one little job of cleaning up the kitchen after dinner has made my evenings way easier!  That saves me that little bit of energy to pick out clothes for the next day or put away a basket of towels.  You would be amazed at how much 10 and 6 yr olds can actually do!

So for this summer, I have a few goals. They may change and I may not get them all done, but if I don't have a list, I will never get anything done!
1. learn to garden. I want to be able to walk in the backyard and pick my own salad.

2. running. Officer Hubby has agreed to help me out on this one. He wants to get back in shape too, so we are going to work on becoming runners.  I've never been able to run, even when taking dance classes 6 days a week, so that's one thing I would love to say that I can do!

3. Clean my house from top to bottom. Clean the carpets, scrub the tile, pressure wash the outside...you get the drift

4. Paint my shutters and get solar screens. We have those fake shutters on the front of our house and they are the same color as the brick. They totally blend in, so I want to paint them (and my wicker furniture) exspresso brown. 

5. swim, relax, snuggle and have fun with the kids. I don't want to be the mom that over schedules the summer.  I want LOTS of lazy days!

6. Start my clothing resale business on Ebay.  I've sold ebooks on Ebay for over 6 years now, but I really LOVE to thrift shop and I think clothing could sell really well. I'm starting off this weekend with things from our closets! 

7. Restyle my wardrobe. Since becoming the "lunch lady" and wearing a really stylish uniform to work every day, NOT, I am seriously lacking in the style dept!  I USED TO BE the one EVERYONE looked to for cute outfits and stylish trends.  Now it's usually a green polo, black pants and Sketcher Shape Up work shoes or yoga pants and ill fitting tee shirt.  I want a cute, countryish, floral-y, floaty, skirt filled wardrobe with lots of cute flower clips and headbands. OH and some cute sandals and maybe a pair of cowboy boots. NOT just my jeweled flip flops. 

That's all I can think of for now, but I may add to it. Oh...I want to make bread and homemade yogurt too!  See....lists....I LOVE them cause then I can use this...LISTS! (the scratch thru thingy!)

linking up here:
Tip Junkie handmade projects

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