Monday, September 13, 2010

Bad day :(

Woke up this morning to hot air blowing out of the a/c and the internet was going off and on...needless to say, it was hard to say positive! Then a lady at work, who really thought she was helping out, made my job super hard and I got VERY frustrated and had to just get away from her.....but after that, I calmed down and things started getting better. I got home to a hot upstairs still and hubby said the a/c guy was on his way. LUCKILY, it was only a small part and we ended up only paying around $200 to get it fixed! WAY better than the thousands I was scared it would be!!!

So for this afternoon, it's gonna be TV dinners (my kid's just think they are the coolest things because we never eat them!) and I'm gonna take a bath and sit in the bed and crochet!

Here's my newest addiction!!! Crocheted dish cloths!!! They make up so fast and easy and work awesome on the dishes and counters!

I'm also doing a craft show in December and want to sell these, so I'm trying to get at least 2 or 3 done a night. My problem is that I keep running out of yarn! It is truly an addiction and now I see why my grandmother used to crochet for hours!!!

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